I would like to express my deepest and sincere gratitude and appreciation for all those who have wholeheartedly supported for the establishment of this new, and yet, remarkable organization called the Somaliland American Friendship Foundation. (S.A.F.F)  This new will organisation will effectively work with local and international partners to help address the wide range ofchallenges and threats facing our communities  in the Horn of Africa region in areas such as education, health-care, mental health and disability, homelessness, the status of orphans, gender equality, and agriculture. Our new organization will also work with these partners to help local
communities address the environmental, economic and social problems caused by drought, deforestation and climate change.

However, this new organization will particularely focus on to seek, promote and encourage for more involevements from the US government. In terms of Somaliland's security cooperation, promoting a profound strong and tengible diplomatic relations, trade and other investment opportunties towards reupublic of Somaliland. We are determindly seeking from the US government to seriously support Somaliland self determination in order to overcome these serious and threats and challenges mentioed as above. We hope and strongly encourage the US government to fully support the war against the piracy off the cost of Somalia and ofcourse, the provide a meaningful support to the Somaliland is doing extremely well to face the threats of these deadly challeneges of piracy and other terroist affailted organisations like Al Shabab with a very limited resources avavlibilties and not much international acknowledgments. However, the unwavering self-determination and the extremely well overdue international recognition that we desperately seek and definately desreve.  providing a desperately needed assistance to tackle the challenges and threats possed by these deadly and totally merciless terroirts orgnsiation called Al Shabab are its affilates can easily be defeated, if Somaliland is been fully supported by the international community and ultimately accepted its rightful position in the international community as a fully and independent nation. Just like South Sudan.   

It is our goal to undertake action in these areas in order to serve the desperate needs of many communities living in the Horn of Africa, especially here in Somaliland and Somalia. There is no question that these communities are beset by challenges and threats to their well-being and safety on all sides. Today, the scale of suffering for many has become unbearable as they face hunger, the threat of preventable disease and a lack of economic opportunities. In order to help the poverty and cycle of suffering that so many communities have become trapped, (SAFF) will work with our partners to develop, implement and support programmes and initiatives that
will address their root cause.

Today, SAFF is joining the effort to address the humanitarian, social and environmental challenges and threats which have devastated so many communities in our region, and which hold-back the potential of so many of our brothers and sisters. It is our sincere hope that we will be joined by many more partners as we work to build safer, healthier and more prosperous communities in Somaliland.

Amb. Mohamed Hussein.
Founder & Executive Director. 

Somaliland American Friendship Foundation. (S.A.F.F)
